Happy Birthday Balou!

I can’t believe you are turning 12 years old on April 15. You have always been such a ball of furry energy. I thought that would settle down after year 3, but nope! Then years 7 and 8 came and you were still that same energetic guy. Now we have just accepted that that’s simply YOU.
You road-tripped it from Bozeman, Montana to Cheyenne, Wyoming after your mega voyage to San Francisco Pride in 2009. You loved getting all that attention from everyone. A guy actually tried to buy you and I said absolutely not, no way, never.
You were there for me during a big breakup and my granny’s passing that year, probably the toughest year of my life. And a little later in 2009 you met your baby sister, Belle. You may have been too young for a sister, because I remember that time when you picked her up and jumped off the porch with her in your mouth. She was just annoying to you at the time- you had to share your food and my attention, but you would learn that she would be your best buddy and love you more than anything.
You will always hold it against the magpies that those ones in Bozeman stole your food. You love people and dogs, but especially love taking car rides. Fetch is the least fun game to play because you don’t fetch the ball, I do. But you will sit, stay and shake for treats. I took you to several months of puppy training classes, but one might never know that. You’re always in the kitchen with me (which I do not approve of) while I’m cooking, waiting for food to fall. You never really like to cuddle with me; you definitely appreciate your space when you’re sleeping.
A few years ago, you escaped from our yard and spent the day exploring and chasing cows. You came back covered in mud and burrs, but we were just happy we got you back. I was so worried about you that day, but you didn’t know. You were just having the time of your life.
You were the man of the hour a couple of years ago at Cheyenne Day in the Depot Plaza downtown. Everyone wanted to give you attention, but all you wanted to do was roll in the grass. You looked so handsome and festive wearing your red bandana. You are usually pretty tolerant of me trying to dress you up in things you’d rather not wear.
During the hot summer months, you love sticking your face and feet in the water, but you were never one to like to swim. When we get our first snow in the fall, you always wake me up in the middle of the night so you can go out and play. When I’m gone for any kind of extended time and I come back you are so excited to see me. You run up with such enthusiasm, but never jump on me. (That apparently did stick from those training classes.) I just love the sparkle in your beautiful blue eyes and your zest for life. What I’m trying to say is Happy Birthday Balou! And here’s to many more. Love you so much.